20 SBD in Prizes: Surreal Art Contest


Surreal art depicts the physical world in a way that doesn't make logical sense. Every day objects may become strange creatures, the laws of physics may be broken, a figure may be rearranged into an unfamiliar and alien form.

Today marks the beginning of a contest where I ask you, the artists of Steemit, to create an original piece of surreal art for a chance to win Steem Backed Dollars.


  • First Prize: 5 SBD (1 winner)
  • Second Prize: 3 SBD (2 winners)
  • Third Prize: 2 SBD (2 winners)
  • Fourth Prize: 1 SBD (5 winners)

In total, I'll be giving away 20 SBD to the winners of this contest. The prize money will be transferred after the winners have been announced.

What must I do to win?

Make a piece of art that bends the laws of reality. Drawings, paintings, digital paintings, and even edited photos are acceptable. I want this contest to be open to all artists. I don't want to restrict you to one medium.

You may submit as many pieces as you want, but you will only be eligible for one prize. For example, if you submit two pieces of art, you cannot win both first and fourth prizes. Only one of your pieces will be selected to win a prize. So submitting more art may increase your chances of winning a prize, but it's impossible to win more prizes.

Rules for Submission

  • The art must be your original work. I'll be doing reverse Google searches to check.
  • The art must fit into the surreal genre.
  • The art should be a piece created for this contest. Please don't submit old works for an easy chance to win prizes. This is harder for me to check on, so please be honest.
  • You must Upvote and Resteem this post to be eligible to win.
  • You must submit your drawing as a post on your Steemit blog with the tag #surrealart.
  • You must show me your piece by leaving a comment on this post, linking me to your artwork.
  • Submissions are closed once this post pays out in 7 days.

Here are some examples of surreal art to give your imagination a push

I apologize that I couldn't find the titles for some of the less famous works presented here. I don't expect anyone to create something nearly as elaborate as some of these pieces. I just want you to use your imagination and create something cool!


The Temptation of St. Anthony
Salvador Dali


Dissolution of Ego IV
Peter Gric


Yung Chen


Cyril Rolando


Cyril Rolando

And finally, here's a Photoshop creation of mine from many years ago.


Erin Beside Herself
Seth Tomlinson

I hope these images are an inspiration to you! Draw/paint/Photoshop away! I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

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