Let Me Draw Your Portrait - A Steemit Art GIVEAWAY

Hello Steemit! I want to draw your portrait.

As I explained in my last post, I want to get back into portraiture. Since Steemit has given me so much, I thought I would use this as an opportunity to give back to the community. So I'm going to give away two original hand-drawn portaits. If you want to participate and have a chance at winning a portrait from me, follow the very simple instructions below.


  1. Upvote this post
  2. Comment with the photo that you want me to draw

It's that simple.

I will be randomly selecting two photos from the comments section on this post. Good luck!

Other Terms and Conditions

  1. Once this post has reached it's payout time, entry will be closed. At that time, I will randomly select two portraits to draw.
  2. There is only one entry per Steemit user. If you try to enter multiple photos, you will be out of the running.
  3. If there are only 2 entries, congratulations! You win by default.
  4. I will be drawing pencil-on-paper. Don't request a different medium if your photo is selected. The winners will receive high quality digital copies. 

Thank you everyone for your support of my blog!

~Seth Tomlinson

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