Thunder Perfect Mind: SexDeathRebirth Zine 1 + Cassette

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This was a small 8-page mini-zine, printed in color.

For this first issue of the SexDeathRebirth zine I chose Thunder, Perfect Mind as the theme since that was the first song I released as The Whip Angels. Thunder, Perfect Mind is a gnostic poem with a distinctly feminine voice. The zine contains some of my early collages that depict the divine feminine and various feminine archetypes.

"I am the first, I am the last
I am honored, I am scorned
I am the whore, I am holy
I am your wife, I am a virgin
I am knowledge, I am ignorance
I am shame, I am boldness
I am shameless, I am ashamed
I am strength, I am fear
I am war, I am peace
I am disgraced, I am great
I am life, I am death
I am the law, I am lawless
I am control, I am chaos
I am union, I am division
I am above, I am below
I am attainable, I cannot be grasped…"

This zine included a free download code for The Whip Angels- Thunder Perfect Mind E.P.

The zine was also included with the cassette release for the EP. It was a limited edition of 25 tapes with handmade covers.


The zines and the tapes are long gone, but you can still download the EP on Bandcamp.

Teaser video for Thunder Perfect Mind (version 2)

Joan PopeTumblr
SexDeathRebirth Tumblr
Joan Pope

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