Shiny Forest Ghost Sticker Series - Under the Mushroom

Hello friends!

Today I have something new for you, meaning a new series with Shiny Forest Ghosts! Recently I've struggled very hard to post regularly on Steemit and MOST IMPORTANTLY STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOU, and I felt really passionate about finding a way to overcome this struggle :) I also had several new fantastic inspirations in my head that I really wanted to use, so here we are :)

I enjoy imagining forest ghosts in their natural habitat, but so far I've portrayed them almost always half-hidden, still, wary and observing only. I think they need more interaction!

Here's the finished piece:


Pen and ink on paper, 21x29,7 cm


This little one relaxes under the mushroom. It looks cute and chilled the f*ck out at the same time. Would be lovely to meet such lovely ghost while picking mushrooms, wouldn't it? :)

This illustration brings Tukoni to my mind. Tukoni is a a world full of sweet little forest creatures, created by Ukrainian artist Oksana Bula. I'm a huge fan of her unique artistic style and the richness of her animalarium. If you love this kind of heart-warming art, stories and tales I invite you to visit Tukoni's fanpage on Facebook and see Oksana's illustrations for yourself :)

But that's not all of my inspiration.

Recently I've watched several great anime shows which encouraged me to express myself in some new, playful ways. Mostly I mean The Fullmetal Alchemist (I saw it before The Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood), which is full of funny moments when main protagonists' appearances were comically distorted to exaggerate some of their emotions or reactions, and I absolutely loved this practice!

It made me ponder on some of my favourite Facebook stickers and Discord chat emoji. For example, I adore gudetama (do you know this hilarious egg?), Bana $ Nana, Fat Rabbit Farm and many, many more. All this thinking about the favourite aspects of those depictions made me want to do a collection of ghost emoji myself. I hope you will like my efforts!

I feel that my ghosts could've waited much, much longer for coming into life and appearing in so many of my artworks, if it wasn't for Steemit. Before Steemit there was only one artwork of mine with a Shiny Forest ghost in it. And to be honest, the ghost was often taken for a cat ( confusion which I gladly accepted, as my ghosts definitely have some feline traits in them, among others). Here's how this first linocut progenitor ghost looked like:


Original linocut with a ghost on a mug

Do you have similar experience with Steemit? Did it help you achieve some of your goals? I think that if I'll stay on this enjoyable course that Steemit has set for me, there might be even a chance for vlogging or creating digital art. Would be nice to create some of my ghosts digitally one day, especially after seeing some of the amazing digital creations of fellow Steemit artists! I know exactly how I would like such an artwork to look like. Just don't know how to get there yet :) Do you create digital art yourself?


  • Sketchy sketch-sketch!


  • Redrawing with pen!


  • Initial shading (the technique called stippling) and textures!


  • Shading and texturing intensifies...


  • Ready piece :)



ghost 3.gif

I'm very happy you've checked out my post! I hope you enjoyed my Shiny Forest ghost :)

I'm very grateful for all the kindness, support and inspiration I've received so far here on Steemit! Thank you guys, and as always...

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