A long time ago, in a different age, when things were very different to the world we live in now, Steemit posts made truck loads of money.

Only a couple of days after first working out how to upload a post on Steemit, I did a post about how I edit my photos and it made $404. So I quit trying to run my online retail business and became a full time Steemit writer. Things subsequently didn’t go very well, and I found myself destitute and unable to afford anything to eat.

After three days of not eating, I was pretty desperate, so I went down to the shops and started walking up and down looking for cigarette butts. Eventually a busker said “Man, you need to make up a sign, and sit outside the supermarket”. So I found an old piece of cardboard and borrowed a ball point pen off a man who asked if I was seeking redemption.

On my sign I wrote “$ 2 eet” and sat cross legged on the footpath, avoiding any eye contact with the passers by. They began tossing me $20 notes as they walked past, and two hours later I decided to quit my job as a cigarette recycler and do this full time. But that was over a month ago, and lately as I’ve sat hunched over my sign, I’ve been lucky if anyone gives me more than a tenth of a cent.

So I was thinking of going back to the cigarette recycling industry and just turning my back on the whole street entertainer dream.

Then yesterday, while I was sitting outside the supermarket, I drew some sketches with the redemption guys pen on the back of my cardboard sign and another busker said “Man, you need to paint bucket those in Photoshop, put them in a Polaroid style frame, and post them on Steemit.”

So I thought “What the hell, I’ll give it a crack.” and gave up the top position outside the supermarket door. Now I’ve come back home to face the harsh realities of computer technology.

Whatever life throws at us, we can overcome!

SIFT666 aka Ian Gregson from Wellington, New Zealand, has spent most of the past six weeks living rough on the streets.

In between looking for cigarette butts and drawing sketches on cardboard boxes, he developed a new way to get free wifi in the street by using transmitters inserted into random stranger’s anuses without them being aware of it

He also developed a new website portal to rival Steemit called where he invented a new feature called “refrotting” that may revolutionise blogging and overcome any need to produce new content.

And yes he did manage to knock out all the art on this page while sitting outside the supermarket. If you just can't get enough, there is some more HERE

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