Lushpin and his paintings

I want to tell you today about the paintings of the artist, whom I learned quite recently. I saw his paintings in the museum, and could not pass by. Evgeny Lushpin is a strong and talented person with a difficult fate.


A large number of paintings by this artist have already been acquired by collectors from the US and Europe. I would also be happy to hang at home a couple of paintings by Eugene.


Evgeny is our contemporary, was born in 1966 in Moscow, winner of the Golden Brush contest. Yevgeny has many paintings with urban landscapes, objects of architecture, there are also pictures of the evening city, but all of them deserve attention.


Many winter landscapes, and since I myself really love winter, I can watch his paintings for hours. Looking at his paintings, it seems that now it's winter on the street, and you're sitting in this cozy house near the fireplace, and reading an interesting book.

I really like how Eugene paints houses, he has all the buildings in the picture, there is not a single similar house. There are a lot of pictures about Venice, Amsterdam, winter landscapes, evening city streets. He has many wonderful paintings, and "Night Symphony", and "Rendezvous for Rue du Mont Cenis" and "Evening Journey" ...


From such paintings comes heat, pacification, and even a kind of tenderness. A few years ago, a serious hand disease almost deprived him of the opportunity to write. These were the most difficult years of his life.
He did not know, and did not understand what he could do, because the pictures were everything to him, and the favorite thing, and the profession, and the meaning of life ...

Gradually, a few years later, the disease receded, and he returned to work, and realized that for him the profession of the artist is fate. Without pictures, he no longer represents his life.


Eugene himself in one of the interviews said:

Art is self-expression, but not all expression is art! In creativity, the most important thing is to feel completely free. However, the artist always expresses his time also, therefore only at the junction of these two concepts can a real work appear.


Will go to Moscow to go to the Historical Museum, look at the paintings of Yevgeny Lushpin, do not regret it!

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