Canine Sketches: When life's too much.. close your eyes and stop thinking for a moment.

YES! Second canine drawing! I am starting to enjoy these sketches :)

This one was inspired on @firepower. When I made the previous sketch, he mentioned that it reminded him of a dog he met before. The ambience was nice, steady, easy. It was a moment of relaxation. Which is what I wanted to also reflect in the sketch I was working on.

I always start with the head, the positioning of it etc. Then the shapes of the coslowly will come together to define the position.

I make the lines thicker, add some sketchy shading and voìla!

I actually really enjoyed doing this piece. Mostly, because I had more of a reason or something to draw.

Do you have a cutesy dog and want a sketch of him? Just drop a comment! I'll be looking forward to make more of these :D


Also want one of these pretty footers? I do them for free! Check out this post for more information!

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