Exile:Victor Hugo 1954 print (collective) this post is for all of the book lovers out there.

Excile: Victor Hugo

I enjoy reading a lot. Hugo is one of my favorite classic writers since I was a kid. This book though it is one of his less known works and probably for a good reason. This is not a story you are used to read of him. Quite the contrary.

I haven't complete reading this one just yet as it is in a very bad condition and is getting worst every time I touch it. It shits on a shelf for the last 15 years and it will stay there as a memorable. I will get some photographs for you for displaying reasons about the artwork and some of its content.

V.Hugo Exile

Publications Horizon Athens 1954


Printed at brothers BETSAKOU Solonos 110 for "Horizon" publications
The front page artwork is displaying the exile rock at Zerse.
Artist on cover is S.Vlaunt from an original photograph that is deposited at the Meuseum "Hugo" at Paris.

Here you can see the condition of the print, you can really tell that this thing belongs to an era long gone.
no serial codes no ISBN's or anything.

Here there is written some opinions of Hugo about the U.S.A back at his time. How he reacted about John Browns conviction (which shocked him) but mostly refers to slavery and Washington. Hugo was a very unsettle spirit

The book is a 333 pages of Hugo's thoughts, mails, opinions and more. I really don't want to damage it further so I am not going to mess with it more just to picture it.

I just hope you find interesting as much as I did the fact that a guy like Hugo was exiled and search about it. And read it for yourself. It is an historic biographic kinda book so do not expect a story of some kind.

See you tomorrow steemers.
keep it up.

And remember always to claim your rights to live your life the way you want.
there is no other way.

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