Bitcoin Logo Art Challenge Winners


Turning on Creative Gears

Last week, we hosted the first of many crypto-competitions (should we do all 1,570?) looking to revamp cryptocurrency logos into unique creative styles. This article from Quartz dove into the way cryptocurrencies are typically themed and named and we thought we could break out of that bit with fun Steemit-wide creativity.

Here are some of our favorites that earned a major @sndbox bump!

@beate's Murakami

@beate’s choice to integrate BTC with Takashi Murakami’s iconic flowers works perfectly with the scale and aesthetic of the original!

See the original post here.

@scuzzy's Dali

@scuzzy shows us that Salvador Dali might’ve gone deeper into his waking dreams if he knew what Bitcoin was doing to our world today...

See the original post here.

@basileonardo's Aztec Ceremony

Looks like @basileonardo isn’t just a Steemian but also an avid archeologist and uncovered this gem on his latest expedition.

See the original post here.

@heroldius' Mondrian

Simple but punchy, @heroldius show us that the BTC orange might have been deemed a primary color if blockchain had been invented sooner...

See the original post here.

@karmachela' Deconstructivist Geometries

Last but not least, @karmachela brings the shapes of Bitcoin to life with some true deconstructivism.

See the original post here.

Honorable Mentions

  • @aaronhong draws from the iconic street artist Keith Haring for this jazzy submission. Check out the original post here.

  • @dontforget enrolls in the Bauhaus to bring us this cryptic number. Check out the original post here.

  • @katalinaooma, I hope you didn’t have to cut off your ear to make this one! Check out the original post here.

  • @richatvns brings us an undiscovered work of Warhol. Check out the original post here.

We’ll be doing many more of these contests in the future so be sure to stay tuned and refer others to these community activities! And thank you to all that submitted!

Help us spread the word. Follow our Twitter and YouTube Channel too!

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