Art Explosion | Time

This is my entry for the Art Explosion Contest hosted by @juliakponsford. The theme is time which is a really intriguing topic. It doesn't seem to really exist, but is still arguably one of the most valuable resources we have that we measure diligently. Although it does flow linearly, our perception of it makes it bend and warp in mysterious ways. Time flies when you're enjoying yourself and drags on when you aren't. Time is an illusion and yet makes the world go around through common consensus. I was thinking about the illusive nature of time and how it would be great to use actual illusions in my art. The image of an hourglass wrapped around an Escheresque illusion came to mind, which was the spark that started the creative process. I decided to hand draw this as @karunya got me a new set of pens I wanted to try out. A lot of my art evolves as I'm doing it. A lot of the imagery I've used happened instinctively as I kept drawing. I finally ended up with this image.

The Entry


The Process

I start with drawing out reference lines using a pencil. A lot of M.C Escher's illusions are done on an isometric grid, where the lines meet at 30 degree angles. The grid's lines fool your perception into creating impossible structures like an infinite staircase. This method is also used in a lot of computer games to create 3D environments from 2D lines. I didn't have a grid with me, so had to draw the lines freehand. A little trick I use to do this is divide up the paper, and add points at the start and end of where I want a line. The dots help me visually connect the points and make drawing the line easier. Since it is freehand, the lines are not exact, but are close enough to the right angles that the illusion works.


Once the basic is grid is done, I detail out a staircase and add a few melting clocks inspired by Salvador Dali.


I then go over the pencil lines with a pen and start detailing out the basic forms. I made a few mistakes here like accidentally smudging the sand at the bottom of the hourglass. Since I can't ctrl+z this, I just had to let it be and keep going.



I then add a little bit of colour to the background. I didn't have a paintbrush so I improvised by using earbuds dipped in paint to create a pattern.


I'd originally folded an A3 paper in half because I didn't think I'd have enough time to finish the entire paper. Turned out time was being illusive, and the first half got over a lot quicker than expected. So I decided to unfold the paper and fill it out.


I used my earbuds and drew random squiggles that evoke a sense of melting time. I then go over the colour with pen lines and add a few finishing touches.


It's been awhile since I've drawn by hand and I did end up making a few mistakes. The important thing is not to get discouraged and just keep going as the overall imagery is hopefully still communicated effectively. These contests have been a great way to give focus to my creative energy and I'm looking forward to getting better through them with time.


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