Artist's Eye collaborative... updated with steps!

I don't have any local friends that "art" so I'm stoked to have found a way to collaborate with like-minded people and share and grow together. Fantastic idea!

Here's my collab. I call it simply "Eye of Everlove". I would post my steps but I'm running out of time before work. It is created in PS with simple PS brushes.

If you enjoy please feel free to follow me :) @spaceginger

Step 1: I did a rough sketch over the top of the original piece to maintain the flow. My first thoughts was rolling hills but I just let it come out and this is what happened. Normally I don't have a lot of thought about my art, I just try to relax and enjoy the process.

Step 2: Added a bit of details and generally just pondered how it might look.

Step 3: Painted the Sun and waves over the eye to add a bit of nature and colours.

Finished! Added the person meditating while the rest of the world is busy rushing around. We spend so much of our lives rushing we forget to appreciate things as much as we should!

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