A widely diverse selection of my art work! Just five things this time I promise

I call myself an artist, but apart from hang around and take the piss, I haven't been showing you much art.
I would like to try and fix that starting now.

today post with less words and more images.

I am going to try random posting some images far more often, and we'll see how it goes.


This is drawing with Pilot HiTecPoint 0.5 markers, on heavy inkjet photo paper. A4 (That's like the metric foolscap!)( a page like you would write on, c'mon people)


I'm going to give you two details too



and this is watercolour and acrylic on heavy mixed media paper and it's A3, which is like two of the previous in size. (two foolscap pages)


Once again I am going to offer you a couple of details, because lots is lost making these suitable for the web.



and now for something completely different! As Monty Python would say before launching into some insanity.

This is BiC biros on Canson Guarro drawing paper, and it's 50 by 70 centimetres. That's... let me think. . . 20 by 28 inches I am pretty sure

A lot of work went into this sucker.

Can I interest you in a couple of details here too?



well, is that enough. are you getting bored?

Another drawing? sure. What do you want? Legs! sure

and one more, I did say five


Unless otherwise stated clearly (rare anyway) all images are my own reproductions of my own artwork, and I claim ownership over their IP. however, I am super friendly guy and if you want to use images of mine on your blogs, with attribution of my authorship and a link to my pages, I would be only too happy.

Please let me know if you want to do it, and I will do my part to share it round.

I hope we can have some partnerships here, I am weird as all fuck, but you'll find I am a nice enough guy.

If you would like to see previous posts that I have done on my Art, well, try this one for example, my most successful post by far, so far. @spaingaroo/finally-first-working-prototype-done-lessons-learnt

but I can see I need to post more art.

Thanks for being here steemiters.
life had me blue and black then steemit came and changed me back

words almost entirely not mine. Paraphrase of the song that was the biggest hit on the radio when I was driving a taxi to make money to come back to Spain, after my first absolute disaster here.

along with the antisong

hope you'll enjoy my work. Please help it to not disappear completely.

big hugs

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