totally digital love, for the second digital artist showcase

I am looking around at the competitions and trying to enter a few.

I have come across this one from @gmuxx calling for digital art. @gmuxx/digital-artist-showcase-no-2-digital-art-contest
I have been making heaps of digital art for my redbubble shop and spoonflower designs. It solves some of the problems inherent in making traditional artwork, when the end result is to be digitally printed.
I have decided to go with this one, as it was one of the first completely digital works I did, if you don't count manipulation of analog images, o blender renders.


This an earlier work, (probably about eighteen months ago, not too sure.) I did it painting directly in Ps, with an Trust graphics tablet, which the dogs got hold of and chewed up.

It tiles perfectly. It can repeat seamlessly over any size. (as you can see if you look below, as the colours change, the design continues

I would be happy to do a tutorial on how to achieve that at some point.

The other fantastic part of working totally digitally, is that there is so much control over the colours later. I am going to put up a series of variations, where I changed the colours of layers against each other.

Hope you like them.


and this is the original colours, how I made it if you like.


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