Tea And Roses

I just finished this, but it started many years ago with a challenge on CGTalk (as CGSociety was called back then). Since I was a moderator there I couldn't join the challenge, but I was still inspired to make some sketches.


So I made these - she's a willing victim, sacrificing herself, because the vampire was a loved one, and the vampire itself I tried to make it look ashamed, guilty, like he knows he's doing something really bad, but he can't stop.


But wasn't happy with them and abandoned the idea. I suspect now the emotions I tried for were too complex.

Fast forward a decade, I came across the old sketches, and was tempted to try again... I'm very stubborn you see. :)
So, same purply dark interior of a Victorian middle class sitting room, same young girl, but with a different pose, and with more bloodsuckers. Simpler emotions, more clearly expressed.

Objects in the foreground, tea pot and some dead roses, they are there for depth, for setting the scene, and for symbolism. Also for the visual rythm - note how the teapot kind of echoes the pose of the woman.

Objects in the background, I'm going for a room with so much clutter, heavy carpets and curtains that sounds are stifled. I imagine this struggle to be almost silent, she's done screaming and about to give up. Perhaps she's already given up, just looking at the barely visible blue sky one last time.




And the final version:


I do self-upvote, but I wait so I'm not the first. I don't buy votes. Thanks for watching!

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