Spikey Saga 3 - Puffy and the Fight


This is Puffy. She is a puffer fish. She comes from an amazing family, check out the video below to see one of her relatives in action :)

Puffy has a short temper and she can get really mean... if you piss her off... She got into a big fight with Spikey and they don’t talk any more. To be honest, Puffy moved on already, but Spikey holds grudges. SHE is the one who ignores Puffy... no wonder Spikey has no friends!

So... this is what happened...

Puffy is very proud of her color. Not many purple characters in the art gallery. Not to mention her fins and the ability to blow up! She feels like a celebrity. Well... this doesn’t sit so well with Spikey, as we all know that she wants to be the center of attention.

One day Puffy was joking around with Chip. I mean kind of flirting around. Chip was laughing like crazy at one of Puffy’s joke and that got Spikey very jealous. She started to swim around Puffy, trying to intimidate her. She showed off all her spikes, coming closer and closer, threatening Puffy. Everybody knew how poisonous Spikey was!


Everybody was holding their breath, scared for Puffy’s sake. But nobody knew about Puffy’s ability to blow up, so when she actually blew her body and spread her spikes, everybody got scared, including Spikey who swam away and hid behind her clown-fish friend, Nemo. Puffy’s body was so huge and those fins looked so scary!
With a triumphal smile, she started to deflate and came back to normal.

She won!!! She scared and humiliated Spikey. Spikey never spoke with her again.

Well... one day a woman in a purple hat stopped by the art gallery and took Puffy away.
Another one gone! Chip, Angie, now Puffy. Queen Spikey and Prime Minister Nemo are still in the art gallery, reigning over other little creatures.
Who’s next to leave? Follow me and the story @starjewel


In case you missed the beginning of the story, you can read it here:

Spikey Saga 1 - The Beginning

... and here are some juicy details about Chip:

Celebrity news! Spikey had a boyfriend :)

... and Angie:

Spikey Saga 2 - Meet Angie

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