If You Believe In It...You Gotta GO for It!!! Artwork by Steemit Life

Hi! This Is Steemit-Life aka M5. Most of you know me for Music, but during my downtime in the studio, I love to draw! Art In general, takes my mind to another creative place that Music doesn't. I treat Music and Art like my kids...You just can't love one more than the other:) Every summer, I try to go to the National Gallery of Art, In Washington D.C. They have many great exhibits there. Some of my favorite pieces there are by Monet, Dali, Picasso, and Chuck Close among many others! My personal favorite artists are Peter Paul Reubens, Renoir, Klimt, Da vinci, Basquiat, and Van Gogh. Now that I think about it, there are too many to name! lol 

About This Drawing

This Is a drawing that I have been working on for about a month and a half. (off and on) It Is of a Ferrari 458 Spider. It's one of the cars that I would like to own one day. (Cars...Another one of my passions:) Everyone has a "one day." Yours might be a house. Or a vacation trip to a far off secluded Island. Possibly, It could be a Big entertainer making millions of Dollars  Steem around the world. (See what I did there lol) And for some, It could be as simple as retirement. I think that If you set your mind to going after something, you will eventually reach your goals! No matter what, or who may stand In your way, you have to push through to be a success! Do what you love. Never stop learning. And take calculated risks. And above all, Keep your family first! Express that passion to everyone else around you, and It will become contagious! Now I don't claim to be the best artist In the world, but I still love to share one of my Passions with you. So I hope that you enjoy the sketch that I have completed. There will be more on the way. Living the...


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