Narrative art layout


I have been working on this a little while now, I would call it an infinite scroll story. It is designed to be viewed on phone but would work on other devices when layout is finished. The idea is you simply scroll down instead of turning page like a comic book. In a perfect world for viewing the person would turn their phone sideways then scroll, the images are sort of framed for that viewing perspective.

It is in the rough stages and viewing it in this format wont be the best but I think you will get idea. The last couple "panels" are still up in the air as far as layout. let me know if you can follow the story even though it doesn't have any words, that's usually an important first step towards good narrative art!

steemit adventure logo.jpg
Follow me and your wildest dreams may come true!
Chaos art breakdown
Zombie teamup!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column