Original Steemit trading card art and fundraiser for @venuspcs


Here I sit, after only a few weeks in Steemit Chat, and I have met some amazing people. I have learned a lot (still learning) and gained a feel for the culture of some of the more established members and many of the newer ones.

I was not expecting to be so interested. I am personally invested in their stories and what was going on in some of their lives. This is still somewhat of a surprise to me because, until now, I have not been into social networks of the digital kind.

Many of the regular Steemians are cool folks, from varied places, ages and lifestyles. They are so varied that there is always something new to learn. Plus, they keep interesting as a center piece in the room.

My fondness, for these members of Steemit, makes me root for them to do well and not everyone is doing so well at the moment.

There is this character of a Steemian -- @venuspcs. He was helpful in chat and followed my blog. Including, upvoting often. Which as a new Steemian, who was trying to gain followers, I was beyond thankful of this gesture.

One of my favorite things, about @venuspcs, is his offbeat sense of humor -- even if the quais-images that he sometimes posts are a little jarring. To learn more about @venuspcs and his some of his more jarring expressions visit his blog.

His blog has taken a turn for the worse. Recently, he fell on some hard times. This has bummed me out a little and made me ponder what role I could play in helping @venuspcs not only get some moral support, but enough income until he finds new employment.

There has been this growing idea (somewhere in this skull of mine) of making Steemit trading cards, for people I liked and interacted with previously. But I have not really had the motivation to do it yet.

That quickly changed yesterday – I made the decision to make my first one because of the circumstance @venuspcs was in. While I was working on the card, my friend @overkillcoin was making the trading card border.

@overkillcoin is a super cool dude who cares about the Steemit community and makes great art, so you need to be following him too!

The reward for this post is set at 50/50 – all SBD raised from this post will be going to @venuspcs to help him out with his van’s mechanical issues.

Your vote, follow, and resteems ARE always appreciated! Enjoy the very first @venuspcs trading card.
Thank you for being a wonderful Steemian and remember:

Steem work makes the Dreem work!

steemit adventure logo.jpg
Hope you enjoyed and please check out some of my other illustrations!
Metal Head
So horny?
Into the breach!

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