Art Attack! #67: Linktober 2020 Day 31 - Trick or Treat! 🍬


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

We're finally onto the final piece that I did for Linktober 2020! For those who need a refresher, Linktober is a spinoff of the monthly art challenge, Inktober, where there's a daily prompt and you're supposed to do an ink drawing everyday based on said prompt!

This was the calendar for 2020 that I was following:


Source: Linktober Tumblr

I started this challenge a little late unfortunately, so I only started at day 20 and tried my best to keep up the streak to the end of the month. So far so good, but it was definitely a challenge doing a piece a day since I draw pretty slowly, but I tried my best!

I was going to try to do a piece a day just like the challenge suggests, but I could tell rushing my pieces weren't doing me any favours and my work wasn't coming out as good as I expected. So I decided to take my time with the last piece that I did, which was Day 27's Fairy piece and I think the dividends really paid off because it's still one of my favourite pieces that I've done to this day!

Unfortunately, this piece took me a few days to complete so by the time I was done with this one it was already day 31! And since the prompt was free for all and it was Halloween, I decided to do a Halloween-themed piece! More specifically, a crossover with Animal Crossing!


Source: Pinterest

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp had so many cute Halloween decorations and I thought Link would look so cute in the Halloween outfits too!


Source: Pocket Camp

So the next question is which Link to draw? And I definitely had to go with the cutest one which was Link from Link's Awakening! Look how cute he is! And he'd blend in so well with Animal Crossing! But I had some different plans with his outfit and pose, of course.


Source: Polygon

So here's my draft!


I actually already had this background done from a previous piece I did, which was actually a previous crossover piece I did of Animal Crossing and Avatar the Last Airbender!

Anyway, I didn't have much time to work on this piece and I obviously had to post it by the end of 31st October since it's Halloween-themed, so I had to take some shortcuts like reusing backgrounds, and tracing the pumpkin decorations and Link's head.


I wanted something simple, and I really liked that Jack-o-Lantern pathway they had in Pocket Camp so I thought drawing Link walking along the path with pumpkins around him would look nice.


Now was the fun part - colouring!


I still can't get over how easy it is to get colours with digital art! Colour sourcing is such a breeze, and it just takes the headache out of colouring so I could really just enjoy the process.


The background was actually so perfect, and really made the bright orange pumpkins stand out!


It was so fun colouring the pumpkins because they were all happy and colourful with all the candy.


And after adding some finishing touches like shadows, crows on the tree, clouds, and some depth in the background, this is the finished piece!


The trees and the background probably could've been done better to show more depth, but I was really running out of time and it looked alright as it is. Regardless, I really liked how this piece turned out! The pumpkins and Link really stood out and the colours were vibrant against the background, which didn't look too plain either.

I know Linktober is technically supposed to be a black and white challenge, but I can't help myself; obviously I love colour a lot! Overall I think this challenge was really interesting and awesome! I know I didn't do all of them but I still had fun thinking of what I could draw for the different prompts! I'm definitely looking forward to trying this challenge out again this year for sure!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #66: Linktober 2020 Day 27 - Fairy! 😘

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