Art Attack! #71: Fallen Leaves in Fall 🍂


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

It's time for more game-related art! And this time, we're back with more Stardew Valley art! Stardew is one of my favourite games; it's an indie farming simulator that is just so beautiful and wholesome. You take over your grandfather's farm in a place called Stardew Valley and build a life there with the residents of Pelican Town.


Source: Middle of Nowhere Gaming

In the game, there are 4 seasons just like irl, and there are calendars for each season with the NPCs' birthdays listed. Each NPC also has his/her own favourite gifts and giving them what they love/like on their birthday nets you extra friendship points! So I thought it'd be cool and useful to draw/paint a version of the Stardew Valley calendars, complete with the NPC birthdays and their favourite gifts! You know, for easy reference.

So I'd previously written about when I painted the Spring and Summer calendars, and now we're up to Fall!


This was basically what they looked like. I tried to make them slightly different, with a different background, upgraded buildings, different animals, etc. So it will look like you're progressing through the game on my calendars themselves! For Spring, I went with an early dawn setting, Summer is afternoon, so Fall was going to evening. And because it's fall, I knew it would look drastically different in terms of colour.

But first, we start with the sketch. I was also using a different sketchbook and this was bigger, so I could finally fit all the letters in the title!


Then it was time to draw all the NPCs and events. I tried my best to make them accurate to their in-game sprites, but with such a small space I could only do so much.


But the tough part was sketching the house. The farmhouse you inherit from your grandfather in the game can actually be upgraded, and it changes the exterior of the house. And coincidentally, there are 4 kinds of houses so it was perfect for each of my calendars!


Then it was time to outline! I had to use my thin marker pens to outline the characters and write the words as usual, which would prove a challenge for when I paint them in watercolours since the marker is not waterproof.


Welp. Time to get painting!


I think this paper being watercolour-friendly helped a lot in me not smudging the outline too much, which was awesome!


I mean, it's different when it's the background, so I had to leave some gaps for the words. But just think of them as clouds or something.


Next it was time to paint the bottom half!


I tried my best to replicate the similar scene as the other calendars but with different colours, to match the game. And after a few finishing touches, here's the final piece!


I drew in the witch in the background because that's an actual character/event in the game, and there is actually a Halloween event in Fall so, it seemed fitting.

To this day I still have yet to work on the Winter calendar, and my series has unfortunately been left incomplete. But I promise I will get to it soon, definitely! I'm pretty sure you can already predict what it's going to look like, and I'm excited to work on it in the future!

But I have so many art projects to take care of first! Not least of which is my Twitch emotes! I stream every night on Twitch and do art streams on Tuesdays so if you're interested, feel free to come by and say hi!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #70: A Magical Starry Night 🌙

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