Art Attack! #75: A Partridge in a Pear Tree 🌳 (Christmas Countdown Challenge #1)


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

So back in December 2020, I had a couple of art projects in the works since I decided to gift art pieces to friends and family for their birthdays! And in the last couple of weeks, I shared those art presents!

There was this special Among Us comic I did for one of my gaming bros:


And this one I did for my actual brother:


But anyway, the next present I was to work on was for a couple of my girl friends, and I didn't have any ideas at the moment. So I decided to work on something else; more specifically I had a crazy idea to do a Christmas Countdown Challenge and draw pieces according to the song - The 12 Days of Christmas!

I'm sure everyone knows that song, and it starts with "On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, a partridge in a pear tree". So I thought it'd be cool to actually draw a partridge in a pear tree! And so on and so forth. But in contrast to the song, I decided to start drawing and posting this series starting from the 12 days leading up to Christmas! That way, my final piece will end on Christmas eve, and I'd post a special Christmas themed art present I did for my friends on Christmas day itself! Yay!

I needed more practise to draw trees since the last time and I decided to consult the same video tutorial since I really like the style they went for there:

So following the video, we start with the trunk. It was tough to make it look "natural" without it looking too deliberate but most of it would be covered by the crown so not to worry.


Then draw in a crown:


Add a lighter crown on top:


Add some highlights:


Add a dark crown in the back:


Some highlights on the trunk:


And now shadows on the trunk:


And of course, can't forget the pears, and some little tufts of grass on the branches and at the base.


That looked pretty dang good! It took me quite some time to get it just right with the right balance between "real" and "cartoony-looking", and I think it looked good.

Next was the main feature - the partridge! For this, I referenced a certain infamous partridge from a very questionable dating sim game - Hatoful Boyfriend! If you know what Hatoful Boyfriend is, you'd know exactly whom I'm referring to I'm sure. But if you're unfamiliar, here's a reference:


Source: Facebook

So yeah that's pretty much who this is going to be. Shuu Iwamine - the very sus doctor in Hatoful Boyfriend! I know a lot of people make fun of HB and for good reason, but the story and lore behind it is actually unexpectedly deep.

I forget which picture I referenced exactly, but this was what I ended up with. I traced it from somewhere but I unfortunately can't find that picture anymore.


I wasn't sure where to put him, but I thought putting up on the tree would make the most sense, since he is supposed to be a partridge in a pear tree.


And to contrast the bright green crown and pears, I decided to go with a dark ombre background:


And here's one with Shuu front and centre being really creepy:


And we're done! I actually really liked how "simple" this looked even though it took me a few hours to even draw the tree. I liked how it turned out though! And Shuu seemed to fit in on the branch just fine. If you're wondering why he has a cleaver. Dont worry about it; it’s... to cut the pears from the tree! And totally not to kill anyone ha ha.. 😟 sorry, spoilers.

Tbh I was kinda nervous about this new challenge since I wasn't sure if I could keep up the trend of posting a drawing a day; as evidenced by my linktober posts. But I tried my best and I took some shortcuts here and there to keep it simple so I could stay on track. I think they still came out pretty well though and I did in fact complete my challenge! So stay tuned to see the rest!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

<a href="'>Art Attack! #74: There's a Birthday Boi Among Us (Part 2)

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