[Bootoon - Manyer Story] - Stop the Boat!


Guru: Today I'm going to test you all.

Disciples: Yes, master!

Guru: Do you see the boat sailing away out the window?

Guru: Stop that boat!

Disciples: (Gasp!) How could we possibly...

"Heeeyyyy~~ Stop! Stop!!"

Boatman: What the... Don't you see I'm busy here?

Chunsha: Hey! That's not how you do it. Move aside.


Disciple 1: Oohh! He closed the window!
Disciple 2: He's thinking outside the box!

Guru: Mmm, anyone else?
Onion Head: Allow me, master.

Disciples: He's staying still. What is he going to do?

Disciples: Gasp!

Disciples: He closed the window of sense! It's the best answer ever!

Guru: It is a very good answer. You're the best!

Manyer: Aeehey~ What are you guys doing here?

Manyer: Are you illegally tutoring them again?

Guru: What? It doesn't require a license to teach meditation, I presume?

Manyer: It's a place where a person's soul can be shaken out of its deep sleep. It should require a license. Don't you think?

Guru: By the way... who are you...?

Manyer: The boat's stopped, right?


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