마니어: 넌 누구? Manyer: Who are you?
볼순: 나 볼순 Bolsoon: I'm Bolsoon.
마니어: 거짓말! Manyer: Who are you really?
볼순: 나 진짜 볼순인데? Bolsoon: I'm really Bolsoon!
마니어: 붕어빵엔 붕어 있어? Manyer: Is there gold in Goldfish crackers?
볼순: 없어. Bolsoon: No.
마니어: 터키탕엔 터키 있어? Manyer: Is there a turkey in Turkish bath?
볼순: 없을걸? Bolsoon: I don't think so.
마니어: 이태리엔 이태리타월 있어? Manyer: Is there a sage in massage?
볼순: 없어.Bolsoon: No.
마니어: 수제비엔 제비 들었어? Manyer: Is there a crow in crowdy*?
볼순: 아니! Bolsoon: Definitely not!
- crowdy: (Scot. and North England) a dish of meal, especially oatmeal and water, or sometimes milk, stirred together; porridge.
마니어: 그것봐.Manyer: See?
이름 속엔 니가 없어. Your name doesn't define you.
볼순: 긍가? Bolsoon: It doesn't?
묘하게 설득력 없어. I'm not convinced, though.