“Wires” - Collaborative Art Project (@everlove)

Seeing @everlove's collaborative art I decided to join. I wanted to take upon this challenge to see if I can still create beautiful images now that I'm without a powerhouse of a PC (I used to be on a 8 hyperthreaded 2.4Ghz machine).

The design progress

The image looks like it has made major steps from the original that @everlove posted. But the opposite is true.
For this image i just opened up Houdini (my main tool of use) and started playing around. It fuels me creatively and also learns me more of this complex piece of software. Lately I am very much into geometry manipulation and tried to get a fast result with limited rendering capability. Hence wires...
I start out with a grid and project the image onto the points. The "wires" are already created for me and just need to get the color onto the wires.
I give the the lines some height difference to create an interesting landscape. The height of the little bumps are determined by amount of red, green and blue of the original image. After the height (displacement) adjustment I smooth out the geometry.
Nothing interesting here, I just blur the image until I have more uniform colors.
Get up really close with the camera, add some lights to your scene and you end up with your Tron like landscape.


Creative Commons License

All images from thebatchman.nl domain in this article are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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