I Am NOT A Guy, But Maybe Michael Jackson? || Aku Seorang Wanita


Hope your last day of weekend is off to a good start, friends. I don't know yet if our Sunday would be as busy as our Saturday was, but I know I certainly need to mop the floor πŸ˜‚ What about you? Anything planned for today?

Soooo... As I have mentioned a couple of times before either on discord rooms, here on my blog, or there on some people's comment box, it buffled me how some would think I'm a guy.

Some are even repeat offenders. When I already corrected them, informing them that I am not a guy, they would keep address me as a guy, that is really annoying because it shows how my invaluable upvotes mean so much to them, yet they are so ignorant toward me πŸ€” And idk why I keep showing supports to these kind of people πŸ˜…

I wondered in what part of my username the kitchen fairy, that would make some think it's a guy's name, many times. I used to think since English isn't their language, maybe, but then @catweasel also thought I was a guy until he saw my page and saw fairy 🀷


But forget about the fairy (as it is only on my blog), my icon/avatar/profile picture is two birds with pretty flowers, one would only think this is a girly profile picture. This is what I use here on my blog and on discord.


Can't people put two and two and it's not equal to five, no?

Weird even more, when I questioned those who thought I was a guy, the answer would be "since the common users on Steemit are males"....whaaat????!!! SO MANY ladies are on Steemit, what are we then, chopped livers???? 🀦🀦🀦🀦

Then there's the lazy ones, who'd greeted me as the kit, what the actual fudge! Is that like arm shaving kit or something???? If you're too lazy typing my long username, shorten it as TKF, simple. But the kit??? Yeah, welcome to my ignored list, especially when their usernames are longer than mine and I still typed the whole!


My morning talk show, ladies and gentlemen πŸ˜‚ Watch out @carrieallen, @sircork, @shadowspub πŸ˜‚

I came online to actually share my drawing, but here I am ranting, instead πŸ˜‚ I just read a message of someone who had been chatting with me for a few days, and yet he referred me as a guy, AGAIN, after being informed just a day earlier that I wasn't a guy πŸ˜…

Thanks to @thekittygirl's challenge 6 days ago, I drew a person, a girl, for the first time in my life. Not that good, but it made me happy. More over, @cecicastor and @choogirl were so kind with their comments ❀️❀️❀️


Reading encouragement from cecicastor about that first drawing and the so many gender identity mistakes happened toward me πŸ˜…, I thought, hey, maybe I should do what @c0ff33a and @dadview do, include their picture or drawing of their face on their blog/comments left on people's blog.

So, I came up with this!


Yes, ROFL, she does look like Michael Jackson πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


No wonder people referred me as a guy!

I see it now!

Hey, I tried πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

After a little adjustment, she looks better now (don't look at the fingers though πŸ˜‚). I suck, I know πŸ˜‚


She is now used when I left comment on people's blog, starting just two days ago.

trythisone (2).jpg

Now people shouldn't mistaken me for a guy, right?


I still got called as a dude, a bro, and a sir, even this morning when I woke up.


Here are some pictures of the drawing process, if you'd like to check them out.





And oh! This was only my 2nd drawing of a person, so yay me πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒPlus, I added a fairy on her apron ❀️❀️❀️❀️


Hai teman,

Mau ngomel2 dulu ah, mumpung masih pagi nih.

Lagi-lagi aku dianggap bukan perempuan melainkan seorang pejantan 🀦. Herman Felani deh.

Apa yang aneh yah di namaku, jelas2 ini nama artinya adalah PERI DAPUR atau UPIK ABU, kok masih ada aja yang manggil aku abang, gan, dan bahkan brader (ini mah terlalu gaul, tapi malah salah 🀦).

Mungkin karena kurang paham artian dari The Kitchen Fairy kali yah? Oke deh kalau begitu. Tapiiiii kalau sudah lihat blog ku, ada gambar peri di atas, dan aku juga pakai bitmoji/gambar2 perempuan, foto profilku pun sepasang burung dikelilingi bunga2 cantik, kok tetep mikir aku laki-laki yak 🀷



Bahkan banyak yang malas mengetik namaku, jadinya cuman manggil The Kit...alamakjan 🀦Kenapa ga ngetik TKF aja.

Yang lebih parah, meski dah bolak-balik dikasih tau bahwa aku perempuan, eh tetep manggil abang. Wadaoooo πŸ™„

Tempo hari aku mulai menyapa orang2 dengan membubuhkan gambar berikut ini. Maksudnya, jika mereka mikir aku laki2 karena sebuah nama yang mereka kurang pahami, mungkin gambar ini dapat membantu kan?


Tapiiii lagi2 aku tetap dianggap pria πŸ™„

Tape singkong deh πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

Thanks For Looking!

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Fairy and Food
Love It or Shove It
10 Facts 1 Lie
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