The World as a Mirror- Oil on Canvas

The world is a fancy mirror.

At first it's only suggested, with the water's surface hinting at reality, then the mirror's image that is the world around us begins to show clue upon clue, and whispers the question "Now you see what you are?"

It's a self-similar world.

It's all going on inside, and the most luxurious colors must be fabricated in the darkness of our brains, in the shadowed folds that never see the sunlight, sealed inside of an opaque skull.

As Above, So Below

Like a high eagle sees streams and rivers winding below, a caterpillar sees the same winding veins in the leaf below, and the fractal goes infinitely inwards, repeating the theme.

image by me, 'Self-Similar lake'- 2003, oil on canvas, 8" X 10" on canvas panel

thanks for looking, more oddities on the way, always


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