This is a portrait of a father and son that I was asked to do for Fathers day and I am very happy with the way it turned out! :)
As anyone who may have seen my other pictures may know I have only been drawing again for the last few months and have been really enjoying rediscovering a passion I had when I was a young man! I feel I am improving with every new drawing I do although I recognise I still have a long way to go.
I am a big fan of some of the artists I have discovered on steemit and enjoy seeing them post new and exciting artworks for us all to look at and the more I do the more I appreciate both how easy and how difficult it is to be an artist. Or perhaps it is really difficult but some people just make it look easy!
There are definitely loads of amazing artists on the platform for us all to enjoy and I would encourage anyone who is interested in supporting them in their work to check out the 'art' filter once in a while as a lot can be missed on the home feed page!
I would also like to encourage anyone who hasn't already done so to vote in the first ever 'learn To Draw With Friends!' contest!
This is a contest I set up with the intention of bringing together new and experienced artists so that we can help each other improve our skills by having a place where we can offer tips, advice and constructive criticism to one another! It has an emphasis on drawing because it is first and foremost the medium I use and I don't know much about other mediums but more so because I believe that drawing is a fundamental skill that is required for most other mediums as well!
We have already had some great entries and there is still time for you to enter and/or vote on the entrants by clicking on the link below.
There is now a 35 SBD prize pool thanks to two very welcome and greatly appreciated donations from @son-of-satire and @dreemit and I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank them for their generosity!!

If you have never drawn before, haven't drawn for a while or are the foremost expert on pencil drawing, I invite you all to participate. Prizes are intended to reflect those who have shown the most effort and also improvement as weeks go on so everyone will have an equal chance of winning. But we would also very much appreciate it if you could support our entrants by visiting the contest page and upvoting the entries that you would like to see win as well as leaving any comments you may have about their work!!