Learn To Draw With Friends! - Week Six! - Vikings! - Guest Judge @w0olf!! - SBD Prizes To Be Won!! :)

Would you like to learn how to draw or improve your already existing drawing skills?

Would you like feedback and constructive criticism on your progress as well as useful hints, tips and tricks of the trade from experienced artists as you learn?

What about the chance to win some SBD prizes or earn some rewards from your entry process post?

You can do all these things and more by taking part in the ‘Learn To Draw With Friends!’ contest, so why not give it a try? :)

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Image Credit - @w0olf - Week One Winner!

Welcome back, friends!

I hope everyone has been well during the short break in the contest and that you are all ready for week six of ‘Learn To Draw With Friends!’

For those of you who may be new to the contest, each week we have a guest judge who decides on a theme and chooses three images which fit into this theme, the first being an image for beginners, the next being an image for intermediate and lastly, an image for the advanced level. To take part, all you have to do is decide which image best suits your current ability and skill level, make a post which shows your process for drawing the image with at least six images from start to finish and include the hashtag #ltdwf. Then, post your finished drawing in the comments section with a link to your process post.

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I have decided on a couple of changes to the contest going forward which I will get to shortly but first I would like to get straight down to introducing this weeks Guest Judge.

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@w0olf first took part in the contest in week one and as you are no doubt aware from the main image on this post, he was our very first winner. He is a really friendly guy, as I’m sure a lot of you already know from his comments in past weeks and he has a great attitude towards steemit and the community we have here. The tagline on his blog says that he is a Software Developer / Artist / Firespinner but he is also an excellent photographer and I look forward to his posts and interacting with him whenever I can. I would urge all of you to take a look at his page and see what he has to offer.

For this weeks theme, @w0olf has chosen ‘Vikings!’

And the images he has chosen are below.

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Vicky The Viking!


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The Rules!!

Your entry must be one of the three images above!

You must resteem and upvote this post for your entry to be valid!

You must post your entry in the comments section of this post for it to be a valid entry!

It must be visible!

All entries must be accompanied by a process post with at least 6 pictures and you must include a link in the comments section of this post! It must also include the hashtag #ltdwf as one of the tags.

You can enter up to three times. Once per category. Each entry must be posted individually!


The contest will close after the seven day reward period!

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Before we get to the prizes, our guest judge has given me his own sketch of Floki as an example!! :)

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Excellent job @w0olf!! :)

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This is where I would like to introduce some changes going forward. From now on there will only be a total of 15 SBD in prizes to be won each week.

5 SBD will go to whoever is chosen by the guest judge as having produced the best entry for the contest from the three images provided. This could be any of the entries and the decision is left to the guest judge as to which criteria they wish to use to come to that judgement.

5 SBD will go to whoever makes the best process post and this will be judged by me.

There will be 5 runner up prizes of 1 SBD and these will also be awarded by our guest judge at their discretion.

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All liquid rewards from this post will be donated to my new friend Casper. Some of you may be familiar with Casper from one of my previous posts. For those of you who aren't, Casper is a young guy who doesn't have a place to live. He stays in the same city as me and can always be found in the city centre trying to raise the £15 he needs every day to have a dry place to sleep at night by doing what he enjoys.....creating art!

He finds himself a small pitch on the busy high street and sets up his little studio. He produces artwork and offers it not for sale at a fixed price but for a donation of whatever his patron can afford, so as to be accessible for all. It might not be much to some of you but this is what Casper has to do in order to keep himself warm and dry at night. I have convinced him to join steemit and even take part in the #ltdwf contest in order that we can show him as much support as possible and it is my hope that steemit can help him in some way get his life back on track. At the moment he is waiting for his account to be verified which I am finding can take a while these days but I hope that when he finally joins us, he will find lots of welcoming friends and support. Until then and until such time as he is back on his feet, the liquid rewards from all of the contest posts will go to Casper.


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Look out for another #ltdwf related post tomorrow. I want to introduce a new daily challenge to compliment the contest which I hope you will enjoy and that I hope will add a little more fun! :)

Until then and as always, have an excellent day! :)

And Good Luck!!! :)

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Image Credits!

Bill and Ted Gif - Giphy.com

Simples Meerkat - supermurph09.files.wordpress.com

Contest Images Provided By @w0olf!

Page dividers by @kristyglas and @aleister!

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