Artwalk tonight in Los Angeles


I will be working on this as yet untitled colored pencil sketch as well as others in my exhibition studio at the back of the Hive Gallery on Spring Street in DTLA. Check it out if you have a chance.

Not sure what exactly inspired this piece; I just had an urge to return to drawing strange universes in buldings; only this time the denizens of the building are less human than before and the buildings themselves are build on fanciful lines and a genuine disregard for any rules of reality. I just figure if everyone is creating their own realities I can create one in my art at the very least. My world my rules.

Here is an earlier sketch from a coffee shop the other day.


I tend to layer the pencils until I layer them to much; then pull back and see how I can make the work look finished before I destroy it by working my anxiety into it.

Thank you Steemit:)

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