How to make STEAMPUNK RABBIT (Matherials and tools) - large post

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The manufacturing process requires a huge amount of tools and various pieces of non-ferrous metal.
At the same time the process of product formation is the soldering of all elements immediately, already installed, assembled together and tied with wire. Therefore, there is no masterclass as such. Making the same small elements - also requires a rather long video review than the photos of the stages. In general, it is - not cut-glued details, but somewhat more complicated.

  1. Tools:

files, a vise, a gas burner, a gas soldering iron (for local heating of a part), a drill, a watch, a hacksaw and scissors for metal, a hammer, screwdrivers, drills, pliers, round-bends, beaks and other retention-right tools.

  1. Consumables:

Nozzles for drill grinding, polishing of different configurations, dental drills, drills, soldering acid (ZnCl2) + solder POC60 or solder with flux (rosin), sulfuric ointment, epoxy resin, Scotch tape, NaCl saturated solution, FeCl3 solution, stainless steel plate. steel (electrode).

  1. Materials:

copper / brass tube (and / or) bronze / brass in sheets / brushes, etc, copper wire 0.5 mm for strapping, brass / copper wire 1-2-3 mm, brass / copper / bronze jewelery / decorative screws , or rivets, the mechanisms of the clock (gear).

A little about the process:
We take here such a tube, saw off the excess parts:
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You can warm this with such a burner:
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We solder this with the same burner. There is another such:
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This - for local heating, if somewhere the hands worked crookedly.
Warming up, flattening on the anvil.
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Must be an oval. I did not knock directly but through a tube with a diameter of about 10 mm. This will be the body of the hare (seen in the pictures below).

Next, we climb into the "trash" and look for the elements for detailing.
I have several rubbish. One.
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And three.
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And yet here on the shelves of every ...
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We saw the elements. Large hacksaw on the mitolla, small ones - with a jigsaw.
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Trifle by the way can be soldered and a conventional electric soldering iron
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Foredom - clean, drill, grind hard-to-reach places:
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Foredom Chinese, but reliable (green sticker). Yes, the sticker decides.
In general we scatter garbage and we search for necessary detail. What is not, cut out, rot, drill and sharpen.
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Stiehel (blue ballstichel No. I do not remember) - we create an imitation of rivets on the hare's body.
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Materials for tinning, soldering, polishing, toning
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We collect the hare. We wind with wire. It can be seen that in some places it is already tin-plated.
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It is seen that consists of a tube, the bottom / "face" of a piece of copper. "Eyes" are "complex" from several parts - tubes of procrastination.
Paws-ears are chiseled from a piece of brass.
On the back of the "tube" - pieces of wire, bored to "segments." Very simple - clamped in the drill and brought the file over.
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The hare obviously needs cleaning, polishing and polishing.
We tin off the tin with a knife.
The rest is polished / polished.
a bit polished decided to walk:
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And here he is already in the patina:
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At night:
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Today filmed - completely black. He even started to turn green. Four years have passed. You can see the imitation of the plating - it cut it off with her hair.
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Here is a character. This is a replica with USAROBO-001. I do not even know what kind of animals they are - either from the game, or from the cartoon. But really liked. I made myself one.

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