TV SPOT FOR JUJU GUM / teaser for the upcoming WORLD PREMIERE on Steemit January 8th

Everybody is chewing Juju gum, it’s the new sensation and it’s highly hypnotic ad campaign seems to be having some strange effects. Created by a malicious organization called SOFIE, a psychopathic scientist targets the unaware public using manipulative and highly unethical tactics to take complete control of their minds.

Your eyelids are getting heavy, your breathing is calm and slowing down. You feel sleepy but you are aware and obedient. You are getting the urge to press the play button, you can't resist. Pay attention and remember this: YOU WANT TO CHEW JUJU GUM!!!

I will be releasing THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY, a feature film @juliakponsford and I did as the FIRST EVER WORLD PREMIERE ON STEEMIT. We will be releasing this film on Steemit as a 14 episode series starting January 8th, 2018. If you haven't seen my announcement post click here.

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