The benefits and negatives of being creative without inspiration.


I notice myself writing without being inspired from times to times so I decided to share my viewing points on the subject and some tips on what helps to get the creative juices flowing back again :) So here we go!

The positives!

One of my favorite quotes is that saying that the brain is like a muscle, the more we train it the stronger it gets.
I've noticed that the more I push myself to be creative when I have low inspiration, the easier it is for me to adapt and use less energy to create.

This works fine, but its often hard to find a suitable source or in other words a nice topic to start working on. This mainly goes to say for writing and drawing, although I am sure it will work for all sorts of arts and crafts.

Sometimes when we adapt to certain things they start to become like an extension of ourselves, when that happens we find it really easy to work on and also easier to refine our skills.

Also taking some small brakes helps a lot and doesn't tire out our creativity as much.

As most people tend to say, Practice makes perfect, which is undoubtedly correct. The keyword for this is consistency.

The negatives!

There are certain people that tend to use their emotional energy for creativity and expression purposes, where others prefer using logic.

If using emotional energy is the case, pushing yourself to be creative when feeling emotional down could be one of the hardest things to do. When doing this, there is a sort of resistance that adds weight to our actions, typically the emotional baggage we have stored, sometimes it tends to clog up our emotions hence clogging up the naturally aspirated inspiration and creative juices flow.

Personally, I really don't like pushing too hard, I'd prefer leaving letting things settle and afterward continuing to do what I do.

If one is to push himself to be creative while being negative or under some sort of emotional influx, he will find himself to lose focus and get disorientated, although that too gets better as we push ourselves, also this might make the person feel a bit worse after finishing his work or cause some small gasps of anxiety when working.

Typically our emotions are like small guidelines, when it comes to feeling down it is most wise to take a break from what you are doing to regenerate.


Although the topic says being creative, most of the things we do can be seen as a sort of creativity and expression, so despite this, the aforementioned can have some similarity with day to day stuff we go about doing.


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