Practicing Daily

I've talked about it in my introduction post about how I came from an artistic family and so like most children born to these families we art a lot. My dad said little about my artwork but when he did it was always sweet and encouraging. 

After my teenage years I began drawing less and focused on trying to learn how to survive the world as an adult. It's been over a decade since I've found myself this consumed in my art, but I'm here again and it feels fantastic!

It's never too late to pick up from where you left off. 

Kari-lise Alexander made a post about her 6 year growth as an artist on her Instagram, posting a side by side photo of her very first painting next to a more current one. That encouragement post did it's job in motivating me to get started and I want to be able to do the same for another aspiring artist!

Here is a drawing of Jeanne Grey from early April with a side by side reference...

And here is another recent drawing of Jeanne Grey. I'm not talented enough to start drawing things as I choose but it's easier for me at least to draw someone that I like. 

Jeanne Grey, GreyLayers is one of the most influential blogs in the East Coast and now soaring throughout the world with subscribers from Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Jeanne is highly regarded in the world of fashion, digital and social media as she collaborates with brands as a stylist, model, brand ambassador and product influencer . 

And it's because she's earned so much of my respect that I was able to draw her so beautifully!

I was really pleased and then skeptical when I first saw this comment from Jeanne. Then her boyfriend also liked the image and I became convinced that if she took the time to share this work with someone that she cared about, it was truly being appreciated. 

Check out the hyperlapse video if you're interested. Thanks everyone! 

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