Textures and colors

I finished this drawing two days ago and I thought about saving it for the next story image for “fox tales” but changed my mind. This drawing has launched me into the next stage my art of evolution. I’m continuing to experiment with colors and then finding a middle ground between various styles. Later tonight I’ll be sharing another image that was drawn up a few hours ago.

I’m inspired by a lot of different things. I’ll get an idea after reading manga, watching anime, and scrolling through my feed on social media. I’ve got a lot of stylish friends in Chicago and they’re always impressing me with their take on street fashion. I’ve got one friend in particular that I haven’t connected with in some years named Isis. She launched her own magazine a few years ago and it’s still holding on strong. She’s got immaculate taste.

I recalled her love for k-pop and started searching music videos on YouTube to pass the time. I found certain videos that I took a liking to and would play them in the background while sketching. It became my new guilty pleasure. I  enjoy the bubble gum pop, it’s a nice change to the dark moody music that @kommienezuspadt and I are usually listening to. 

Thanks for stopping by to check out the art and read my ramblings.

Is there a music genre that’s your guilty pleasures? 🦊

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