Week #19 Fox Tales : Announcing last week’s winners and a new story image!

If you love writing stories then this contest is for you! Write a one paragraph story about the image pictured above. Be creative, think outside of the box, and follow the contest rules! 

Again, wow, another week of me reading all of your beautiful stories! I wish I could share them all but that would make this post way too long. Above is the story image from last week and winning stories below. Please give them a read! Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who participated! 

1st place // @jadams2k18Reminiscence

The projectiles' impacts from the enemy mortars fell close to our trench, deafening my ears. I got up disoriented, full of lumps of earth and stone. Fortunately, I was still safe and sound. I fitted my helmet and checked my pocket and I did not find it. I looked around and I saw it about five feet from me, lying on the ground. Karen's compass. The needle pointed between south and west. Pigeon Point Light Station, California, came to mind. Bringing me the memory of that place where I saw her for the last time. It was early days of September 1939. The morning was cool, the breeze brought the salty taste of the sea. She was wearing that blue dress I gave her on her birthday. She stayed stand still, she could not erase her worried expression. The wind waved her hair as a signal of goodbye or probably as a farewell. I remembered how her fingers did not let go of mine trying to cling to a nonexistent hope. We were aware that the war had begun. I had to be at my army detachment that same afternoon. I took one last look of her from the window of my Ford truck and I left. That frame was engraved into my memory forever. Neither of us said goodbye that day.

2nd place // @chinyerevivian  “I’m No One

It's difficult, waking each day as a different person, in a different body, even when you have memories of your real self. You don't know if you'll be black or white, sick or healthy, rich or poor. Today, I open my eyes in a tiny room with a low ceiling. I hear the sound of the ocean before I walk to the window. The door is ajar and there's a pounding sound coming for the next room. "Get your arse over here and help me out, Elena," someone yell above the noise. I smile. I'm a girl and I have a brother. Two days ago, I was a boy and an abusive one. I had felt his anger not only in his memories, but also in the way his lips curled into a smirk when I looked in the mirror. He had a girlfriend who became mine for the day. He would walk hand in hand with her in public. He would hold her hand in the car. To a stranger watching them walk or drive past, they were adorable. But inside, they fought. He would hit her when they were alone. I didn't hold her hand that day. Instead, I had taken her to the tallest tower in the city. I made her smile and bask in the beauty of nature. I let her have a life, just for one day. And I crashed his car after I dropped her off, leaving the tyre buried in the soil. I don't usually meddle with the lives of the bodies I inhabit. I was only angry that a human would treat another as such. But today, I'm Elena and I have to do what she will do. I slip out through the back door and take a look around. The house is a tiny one, situated atop a small hill overlooking the beach. I follow a narrow path down and run towards the water. Today, I won't think about the past or the future. All I'll do is bury my feet in the cool soil and watch the waves rush towards me.

3rd place // @ryunamistThe Villa

The dimly flickering light didn't help make the dark room any brighter. The roof was pretty much falling apart and the cobwebs from the corner had now spread everywhere on the walls. Emilie continued to explore the room with her flashlight while looking for signs of anything valuable. What caught our attention was not the dusty floor or the crawling insects, for these were but normal for an abandoned villa, but an unusual framed portrait on the mantlepiece - a picture of a beautiful lady strolling along the beach and lovingly staring at the man inside the car. The strange thing about the picture frame was not in its content, but how clean it was and how out of place it felt inside this rundown room. Not even a spec of dust was visible on its corners. Emilie gasped at the thought, since we both remember clearly that the villa was supposed to be abandoned for more than a hundred years and even the strongest of men didn't dared to step inside it. Hadn't it been for the rumoured treasure, the two of us would have never planned to approach it either. Suddenly, a rattling sound from inside my bag took us by surprise - the compass had started to spin around aggressively. We both had since long realised something unusual was happening. Emilie inched closer and grasped my hand. An approaching whistle had startled us both.

For this week’s story image, I wanted to redraw a pose that I attempted to paint with watercolor. It turned out better in it’s digital form since I had more control over the color saturation. I’ve been using the organic hemp brush tool (on procreate) since the finish product turns out looking a little wild. It’s a cross between the normal pencil tools I use and the dry ink brush that I adore. 

Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be traveling to see my best friend @lonniedi later this week. I’ll be too busy to draw up the next story image but the announcement post will still be made on the day of deadline. 

A portion of the prize pool is a contribution courtesy of @artwatch! Thanks so much for helping to sponsor this writing contest! Please give both @artwatch a follow! 


1st // 5SBD 

2nd // 3SBD 

3rd // 1SBD 

Contest Rules:

Upvote & Resteem this post.

Create a separate post with your ONE PARAGRAPH stories and use the #foxtales tag.

Feel free to use the current story image for your post.

Submit your post in the comment section below.

Maximum of 3 entries - only one story per person will qualify for a portion of the prize pool so everyone has a fair chance.

The length is to your interpretation. There is no real ‘rule’ of how long a paragraph is but I’d say to use your best judgement. If it doesn’t flow right and you know that it is indeed going over then edit your writing.

Deadline // Saturday April 7th // 5:00 UTC

Thanks for stopping by and good luck to those who decide to participate!

Do you have any questions? 🦊

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