Making of the New Logo for BuddyUP Discord Group and Trying to Bring my Sister on Steemit :D

Last week I saw a post from @calumam about Logo Contest for the Discord group BuddyUP. I love creativity and creating, but unfortunately, I had no free time to join the contest. After a week, I wanted to see the participants and their logos, but it seems no one showed up.
I think luck was on our side because my sister arrived from Zagreb, where she's attending University. She also knows a lot about Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and we learn a lot from each other.

So, I had an idea. I wanted to help our Discord group BuddyUP, I wanted to set my creativity free and also I wanted to lure my sister to join us on Steemit. I know she's spending a lot of time on the college, but I also know that we're like-minded and that creating this with me can make her think about our beautiful community.

My sis and I always talked about some crazy creative ideas, we love to do creative things together and we're hoping to make it together one day for real. So, this was the great opportunity to make something for others and for ourselves. You know, when you work together everything is easier and it's much more fun!

I contacted @calumam and explained that I will have more time now since my sister is here, so we can try to create some logo. Since I didn't see my sister for 2-3 months, we were hyped up about this logo creating, and we started to think more deeply about it. I told her about BuddyUp community and what it is all about and what kind of logo they want. It was funny because @calumam wrote in the post that we can go wild about the logo and that triggered me somehow xD As anybody, I also love to create something unique. I love to create an idea, it's like turning energy into matter.

So we started to work on creating the logo. We had a few ideas that we dismissed and then, you won't believe what happened. You know that moment when you jump a little because you're lucky you came up with something. It happened to both of us, and it happened that we had a very similar idea. After drawing it on paper we started to create it together in Adobe Illustrator. She did her part and I did mine, and we come up with this logo:

This is the final version of the logo. The BuddyUp community's theme is all about fish and water life, and I encourage everyone to see what we're all about there, we're growing together! We know that Steemit ranks its users by different categories. From smallest to biggest, we have planktons, minnows, dolphins, orcas and whales. So we wanted to make something that will unite everyone in one Logo. You know, One Logo to Rule them All hahaha JK.
I really believe in unity, sharing and helping others. These are the activities we need to use more in our daily life. We need to see a bigger picture and see that we're all here together.

What is a whale without planktons? What is orca without whale? What is minnow without the help of a dolphin?

I hope you like this logo, this is the second logo I made for a Discord group where I'm the member. It really makes my time fly and I really had a great fun, especially this time with my sister. Now, let me take you on the adventure of making this logo with a few pics and text ;) Enjoy...

This was the first sketch of some of the ideas. First time when we could see the ideas on paper :D Now, imagine that this here turned out to be the final logo. It is almost incredible for me to see the whole process of creating this logo.

We both knew we want to do it the way every Steemit rank will be in the logo. So, I drew parts of the whale, orca, dolphin and a minnow. Planktons were made in Adobe Illustrator. Oooh my xD

After we uploaded the drawings on the PC, we started to edit everything in Adobe Illustrator. Luckily, we both know how to work on it so we had a really great fun and time flew faster than ever.

After choosing the colors and putting some shades and a good type of strokes, it was the time to see how it looks when we put it together. My sister worked on her Mac laptop and I was on my PC, and all that was left is to create planktons in Illustrator and see the whole picture...

Once again, I will post you the final version of the logo. I hope you like it and I hope I will engage in more creative activities like this one. I still hope I can get my sister to join Steemit, but time will tell. I will not push it, but I saw how happy she was when BuddyUp community accepted our logo, so maybe this is the first step she made without even knowing it :D

I want to be sure there will be no problems or concerns for @calumam and BuddyUp community, and I want to say that I give this logo for them to use it freely. With this said, they can use this logo wherever and whenever they want to. I just hope they promote the logo and the community in a good way, as it is. :D

Check out the profile of BuddyUp @buddyup, and don't forget to check out the Discord channel on this Safe link:

This project is an evidence how working together brings the best in us and how we're all happy when we're communicating well and when we're helping each other. With this logo, I am happy that I had a chance to play with my creativity, and BuddyUp community got its new logo. Win-Win situation! I hope to see more collaborations on Steemit like this, and I encourage everyone to help each other and grow together.

Thanks for stopping by lovely people

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