"A Secret World Through a Yolk Portal" - A Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

I saw @everlove's image "Life Stands Still" (below) and it seemed quite significant, though I wasn't sure why.  I see a yolk in her image, and as I thought about eggs I pictured myself standing at the cooker frying one.  Then I thought about what's going on internally/spiritually whilst I'm cooking that egg, because though it may appear I wait unmoving and watch unspeaking for 5 minutes just staring into that yolk, there's actually a whole secret world going on, and I am the witness.

My username @woman-onthe-wing along with the image of a bird symbolises how I've always felt... like I'm up in the clouds rather than on solid ground... carried along on the breath of the wind... always gliding with steady wings outstretched... always observing.  I hate the idea of being stuck against my will in any one place.  It's not that I'm not comfortable on my feet, I am, and I'm strongly connected to the earth underfoot and all that entails.  But I'm a dreamer and no matter how content I am with my life, my instincts say there is always more beyond what I can see out my window.  Not 'more' as in I'm dissatisfied with the simple life, but 'more' as in adventure  and connections.  I may be standing still as a statue, but my spirit self is stream-lined and soaring like a bird on the wing.  So, as I'm there cooking, standing and still, the food is ever-changing and so am I.  The food and I do not stand still for long.  I stare into the yolk and transcend this physical reality of my kitchen and a frying egg.  I disappear into the yolk and I watch my daydreams play themselves out.  

The only way to make life stand still, for me, is to capture an image.  In this image the yolk is almost cooked and my daydream about to give way to a social meal... but also in this image a once-fleeting moment remains forever. 

@everlove's image - "Life Stands Still"

If you too would like to join in with your own offering, the invitation from @everlove is extended to all, but be quick as the deadline is almost up!  INVITATION: Collaborative Art Journey..." L  I F E   S T A N D S   S T I L L " -- This is your invitation to  Collaborate! Whatever your expression, BRING IT ON!

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