My psychedelic drawings - Cow #18

Here we go steemit: the 18th drawing of this black and white series! I am very happy about this cow drawing because since I have visited India I have a special relationship to cows. Most of European people think cows are stupid. In Germany the expression "Dumme Kuh" (= "stupid cow") is an insult used by children a lot. In deed cows in Germany mostly do not get the chance to show their intelligence for they are imprisoned all their life.
in India you meet cows everywhere and you can watch how smart they organize to steal food and how many different characters they have. When I lived in Rishikesh I met a very nice pregnant cow every day on the way to my yoga classes and she always nudged me with the nose to greet me. She was a gentle one. Other cows have a lot of pride. Especially the ones with big horns. They know that humans can not compete with their strengh so sometimes they like to stand in the middle of the road and stop the traffic. They enjoy their power position. Some other cows are the opposite: easily scared. These cows are often the younger ones and they can get dangerous if you scare them. Often they get scared by western people who are scared of them as well and if you are in a tight passway with them they feel like they just can not escape so they start running. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

You can see the spirit of a cow in the eyes. The ones that are imprisoned look dull but the free ones who life an independent life have shiny eyes. I miss my cow friends being back in Berlin.

More drawings of this series:

Frog & axolotl
Tiger & elefant
Pig & camel
Duck & shoebill

Lots of Light and Love <3

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