#artchallenge 🎨🖼️ # 6 - Get there in fashion? Or… (by @ace108)

Fashion Bridge

Source: pixabay.com

This is my entry to the #artchallenge # 6. Details of the challenge is in this post from @aksinya:

Winners of ARTchallenge#5! New Theme for ARTchallenge#6 Announcement. No Need To Be an Artist or an Art Expert to Join This ARTchallenge!

Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
Source: https://musopen.org/



This was the piece of art by Vladimir Kush which we are supposed to give our interpretation.

Fashion Bridge

Art by: Vladimir Kush

My Interpretation

According to what I found in wikipedia, the word stiletto is derived from stiletto, which is a long, thin blade, similar in profile to the heel of the shoe. Any good doctor will tell you stiletto is bad for the foot. Sometimes, I wonder if it was invented by a man so that the ladies cannot run as fast as him. Yet, it is the symbol of fashion many a times for ladies. To make the ladies move more gracefully and appear more feminine in the west, this is stilettos.

In the east, we have another old practice which is also associated with graceful and feminine move too. This is the practice of Foot binding. A fashion in its days but also leading to medical problems in the feet. Now, the east has also evolved to stiletto.

Fashion Bridge

Incidentally, @sweetsssj had posted about foot binding before in this post:
Halloween Special: A beautiful and cruel torture—Foot-binding, a woman's obligation ? 美丽的酷刑缠足,女人应该接受吗?

A bridge made of stilettos and what does it mean me? I struggle a bit and cannot decide ending up with two meanings to it.

1. Get there in fashion

The artist is telling you, whoever you are, people from all walks of life, wherever you are going (as can be seen by the different people on the bridge), you must remember to get there in fashion. You are what you wear.

2. Support every successful men out there is a women

The stillettos represent woman. The women at home doing the multi-task managing all the homely affairs while the men go out to do the one task so they can bring home the bread successfully. You know the saying? Behind every successful man is a woman.

OK, I’m totally ignoring the clouds in both meaning because I don’t know what to think of it.

Coming up next….

In all likelihood, this is going to be the next picture. I was tempted to put it as the first picture in this post but I decided to be a good boy and let @aksinya have the pleasure of doing that.

Don’t ask me why I think so. You should read this to find out:
Winners of ARTchallenge#5! New Theme for ARTchallenge#6 Announcement. No Need To Be an Artist or an Art Expert to Join This ARTchallenge!
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