Art Challenge #18 - Entry 1

Rafal Oblinski.jpg
Rafal Oblinski

Okay this one's DEEP :D Not that his other stuff isn't but I really had to take my time with this one because there's so many different layers going on here. At least to me.

In general, the message seems to be about how people become unable to see the beautiful and interesting things that surround them because they're too focused on other things. These two people look like they're contemplating or watching the world below them almost like looking at a chess board or some other type of game and deciding on their next move. Many of us know that we can sometimes become immersed in fantasy worlds where we feel more in control or using it as an escape from our own world.

I see a range in different ways the table world is perceived by each individual. We have the business-like man who's very studious and focused, and the curious woman/girl who just wants to see what happens next. They don't even seem to know the other is sitting there. There is also an empty chair which looks pushed back from the table like someone just left. To me, it suggests that this person was originally part of the group at the table but chose to leave. They had no interest in staying inside this room looking down on other peoples lives, or controlling or scrutinizing or wondering about them. They had more of an interest in getting out and experiencing their own world. Maybe it was the large window they were facing that helped them see just what was outside waiting for them.

Even the cat is a symbol of indifference to having such control or distraction from their actual surroundings. In fact, it seems more intent on looking at me scrutinizing this painting suggesting that it's more aware of it's surroundings than the two people are.

I find the placement of the spires/needles of the buildings very interesting. From little I know about architecture I know that spires on churches are symbolic of reaching to heaven and being as close to God as possible. But, in non religious terms, it's also a symbol of man-kind reaching for something higher and greater in general. To be the best, the tallest, the greatest. How ironic that, one, these two choose to be huddled around a table watching a world too small for them to fit in when they can be out an about achieving great things in their own world. Maybe the people in the table world aspire to be close to them and what it feels like to be a god and therefore, ironically, are also looking the wrong direction and down into their own table worlds? And maybe there are people above this world and looking down on the spires just outside the window, and so on. Like one of those infinite mirror images you see when you face two mirrors together!

The grass is always greener on the other side, or so they say. But really, life is what you make it. Experience the reality you live in and take notice of the art and beauty and other things you can actually immerse yourself in rather than being a bystander or observer of other peoples lives.

The cat's always know ;)

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