ARTchallenge #7, my entry/interpretation

Here is my entry for ARTchallenge #7!


Artist: Vladimir Kush

My interpretation of this amazing work of art is this.  The whale is up in the air, as an indication of its fate and its future being unknown at the present moment. The humans are holding the fate of the world's oceans in their hands and so far not doing a very good job of it, as indicated by the dry and polluted seabed all around the people holding the water.  The Moon is either, a New Moon or a waning crescent and it is interesting that it is not clear - indicating a choice to be made by the viewer.  If it is a New Moon, it means that change is possible as a rebirth in a sense - people waking up and taking control of the situation to fix the environment and return the ocean to a liveable state. Anything is possible. If it is a waning crescent right before the New Moon, it indicates that the life of the whale and all future whales is done for.  I think it worth mentioning that whales and dolphins originated from wolves that sought the water environment early in their development, in that wolves, whales and humans all share a connection as social, family oriented creatures.  In other words, we all know and experience love.  So the loss would be tragic. The people holding the water are all naked. To me this says that there is no closure for this is not acceptable for us to just turn our backs and pretend this isn't our problem or that there is nothing we can do to change it. I hate to say it, but they all appear to be male. Could that have something to do with the problem here? As in maybe women's values in regards to the fate of our planet are missing.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Namaste. Thanks for another fun contest!

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