Bubbles Goes on a Field Trip to the Beach - my entry for Artchallenge #8

This is my entry for the ArtChallenge #8.

Here is the invitation to participate, in case you are curious.

This week's image is by an artist I have never heard of, Gyuri Lohmuller.

I can see all sorts of symbolism in this painting, but I think instead of focusing on that, I'm going to tell a story to go with the image.

~Bubbles Goes on a Field Trip to the Beach~

Bubbles goes on a field trip to the "Nature Museum" (otherwise known as the "outside world") and looks out at the ocean from the safety of his own goldfish bowl.

"What an immense sea, such a vast ocean!" he thinks to himself...

He is greeted by the reverberations of sound waves like none he has ever felt: the rhythmic crashing of waves, distant gulls, the sound of people walking in the sand. 

He sees the myriad of reflections coming off the rippling water. 

Can he smell the salty air? or sense it?

Can he sense the impending doom that could cause his fishbowl to topple into the sea with high tide? (probably not - after all he just has a little fish-brain)

But, he can sense the largeness of the world outside his bowl - much better here than he ever felt while at home on the table.

A quick visit is all he needs to remind him of the safety & security of his regular meals sprinkled like clockwork overhead, and his regular friends- the cuckoo clock, the potted geranium and his owner, Sally (a little girl), who saved him from the crazy life at the pet store. 

Just knowing the ocean is out there is more than Bubbles could ever have dreamed! 


Have an Artful Day!

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