Translating One Of Sarolta Ban's Painting Into Real Life! @aksinya's Art Challenge Is For Every Steemian!

I have never really aired my story here on steemit but by each passing day, it is becoming ever evident, that my story form part, of the person that now constitute me!

 People hear the sound of it even within my tiniest lines and especially steemian! So my story and eventual testimonies will be found out, without me actually telling them. 

Steemians are great minds! They spot things about you and you just smile within you. You would write something about cryptocurrency and you will still get feedback like; "what is your story"; "your name @surpassinggoogle is intriguing", what behind your choice; "where is your inspiration from"?

 People are starting to hear my story even within my silence and this is greatness on the part of our loving steemit community.

@aksinya started a challenge recently that is awesome! This is the latest one:

Winners of ARTchallenge#1! New Theme Announcement. No Need To Be an Artist or an Art Expert to Join This ARTchallenge!

 She features great paintings, while participants are expected to storify these paintings, in their words!

 I engaged in first edition. I am now engaging in latest edition above. 

First of all, this new painting by Sarolta Ban, that she featured struck me! 

Sarolta Ban

That is me! My entire story right before me, in this painting!

My eyes instant got wet. They welled up a bit but this was an instant reaction, upon seeing this paint because right there, right in it; was my story!

Before now, if asked to describe my state and the state as it has been, till now; here is how I would have described it:

I am inside a luxury bubble; my entire tired being, giving in to suffocation yet we float in glamour; i, in my bubble; to the amusement of the masses as they entertain themselves to our beauty and all I need is one poke

I can't poke. They wouldn't poke yet all I need, is just tinnie-winnie poke

"Please poke, please poke!" My silence just spoke! 

Sarolta Ban

This picture is me!

I am the man; tied! Adorned with fine garment and not really tied as I can still take 2 steps forward or shake and shrug off my ropes;yet, I stand in position.

 A mirror constantly in my face, telling me incessantly, 'the man I am suppose to be'. 

I carry this load, a mirror tied to a branch and combined with ropes, this load stays heavy, yet an ass in sight to lighten my load but I can take a step; because a step towards it, will startle and that lion, that I see afar hidden in the dew, in ambush, will pounce and devour!

Sarolta Ban

That is me! I helplessly watched my dad, a heavy character with huge dreams, crumble before my face! From boyhood to manhood; I did decades of watching this. Helplessly all along!

Yet, no prison bars! I have all the gifts in world; I have great mind, yet I couldn't do much. 

Now that I am grown, I carry my dad's dream and mine and left home, to only return with whisper of goodnews. 

Two heavy dreams is much load yet I can't offload as I would burden the rest of humanity. I haven't this family that i die for so much, in years because goodnews i must bring to their ears!

It is mine to carry! I have not been able yet, to become the man I am created to be, with all the gifts and knowledge that I have. 

But my ropes; "I will shrug them with this year"! They already towards my upper shoulders and no longer that tight! 

And we will altogether storm into the beautiful things ahead. Donkey and I

This is one of the best paintings I have seen. I wonder what the story is, of Sarolta Ban who owns it!

@aksinya; you who loved this. I wonder what your story is!

I finally got to shed some tears after years! 

Non-stop kudos
You boy Terry 

Sarolta Ban

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