ARTchallenge @aksinya - NEW - #2 Poem turned into song and video to sing along - by @wordsword

Hello this is my second entry in the art challenge.
I made the poem into a song. It was kind of a song in my head when I wrote it anyway:)
Under the video I have written a XXL story, how I got to the poem in the first place and what is the deeper meaning behind the title and the lyrics. But for the ones who don't have the time, you can click the video.

Hope you enjoy :)........ and maybe sing along;)

I called it; Dance by a thousand paper cuts

It's of course from the saying; Death by a thousand paper cuts which means something like writing down a thousand times; what your gonna do and how your gonna do it, in the meanwhile not doing anything at all which is almost the same as being dead, not having done not having lived.

This is how I see life. And of course relations, cause they are life to me.

We make in relations commitments on paper but they don't mean a thing. They are only trying to solidify things which can't be solidified. Because then they die.
If you look at a marriage contract for instance it is just a bunch of words on paper. Even the poem in the painting itself, that describes really well how a relationship might work, becomes useless the moment you make it a dogma or law, to let the other live by, in the relationship.

The relationship is always a moving thing just like a dance. And if you start to dance in the relationship you see that that IS the relationship, not the writing down that you should; "dance" in a relationship, how to "dance", what he should do, or she should do, that would be dying by a thousand paper cuts without ever having the experience of life or should I say love;).

The painting describes this me....the pair is actually two separate blades bound together, they have understood that by attracking and letting go, it's possible to have a joyous live together by dancing.
They might have wrote down in their youth a lot of wisdom's (which could have become dogma's) but they didn't die, they got conscious that they needed to forget all the wisdom's, dogma's and it could only be done by dancing...moving..cutting through the wisdom's as a pair of blades which become scissors.

And by just doing that, they found that the seesaw movement of life, or love, is the thing that keeps it joyous.
If you accept that your idea or ideology of an ideal relationship gets cut up, in other words; you get hurt by the reality of the relationship, you might get the love you never knew existed.....or should I say the life you never knew existed ;) ..

Actually this has similarity with another philosophy in my live.
All the papers in the world, written or even unwritten laws by humans that you need to obey or die,... are useless. If you live your life in blind obedience you just as well might be dead. That's how it feels for me anyway. I like to live my life unbound by any laws, and finding out through living my life, experience and trust, which things are good, and which things are bad for me..or for me to do.
Life's about testing, learning, failing, learning, dancing, learning, fighting, learning....etc.
Living is not living by someone else commands/dogmas.
I fight that...... I might get hurt, but it's my freedom or I might as well say it's life. (with words of course)
Freedom is life... blind obedience/slavery.... is death.
This is my current philosophy . But it's just a bunch of words on paper......where are the scissors;)

P.S. Maybe you find the song not classy enough for the painting..... Well bad luck ;P.
I could have also made a song called; We're screwed…... in the middle! Imagine that hahaha.

Painting; Vladimir Kush

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