“Father & Son” painting inspired by LOVE and a short story about it with my process for this art

“Father and Son”

(16 x 20 inch oil on canvas with gold, silver and bronze metal leaf and embossed flower of life)


i made this painting for a friend that is going through tough times specially with his Family, He found out that his wife was being unfaithful, they only have 1 child a boy and he is my godchild. I felt so sorry for him, but made sure to lend a helping hand and to listen to him when he needs a friend to talk with. I try focus his attention to his son as he gives him strength, and both of them are Leo’s as their zodiac sign, I didn’t know what advice to give as i would not know what to do faced with a same situation. All i could do is empathize with him and pray for him. Then i decided to make a painting for him as a surprise, being his best friend i knew already what to paint. And when it was done, i also had an emergency with my dad and had to fly right away to my beloved country in the Philippines, i had to take care of my dad, and it was a surprise to all my friends that i have arrived, i had a bunch of old paintings that i had with me, i gave 3 paintings to my dad and 5 more old painting for give aways. And this painting delivered to my bestfriend, i just had to see him and his family to make sure they are ok, and fortunately, he reconciled with his wife and they are working things out and their son is happy and active in sports, i was so relieved and happy for him, and this painting was a representation of love, its a reminder of tough times for him and love for his family, i Placed a small note at the back of the painting saying:

your kid loves you so much, he will always look up to you, he sees you as brave and courageous he idolize you, you might have your own pride, but you also have some soft sides, he gets his strength from you and vice versa, what ever happens, you have each other, always pray to God and i wish you happiness.

Let me show you a my process for this painting


  • i start out with a sketch so i know where my subject is placed, and also had an embossed flower of life using thick gesso and a template that i have been using ever since i started to paint.

  • then i used gold leaf, actually i changed it eventually and used there metals, with silver gold and bronze, then i glazed the silver with green, so it could give a rasta feel to it. Then i just painted the lion with 3 layers of oil paint. This is the only pictures i had for the process.


So here is my bestfriend his name is Val, and when i went home, I literally stayed home for 3 weeks to monitor and take care of my parents, my friends just visit me at night to get a couple of drinks, i was more comfortable staying home during my stay as i wanted to serve my parents in the fullest capacity that i can. My Dad was almost dying after having a heart attack when i came home, but has recovered very well and regained his appetite and strength before i left, it was truly a miracle that he had recovered as most of the family were giving up.


This is my entry for Jenny’s art contest week #3 with the theme of “LOVE” here is a link to her post @topkpop/jenny-s-art-contest-week-3-and-winners-announced-from-last-week

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