ART EXPLOSION WEEK 48: Theme SELF / Who is myself?

Who is myself?

Self self.jpg

Dear friends, I present to you my participation in the number 47 edition of the ArtExplosion contest, promoted by @juliakponsford (link, hear: @juliakponsford/art-explosion-week-48-theme-self-40-steem-in-prizes). In this opportunity, the theme is difficult: self. If you must represent your fidelity, you must do self-examination. Additionally, representation becomes a problem of visual communication. To solve this problem, I resorted to some symbols, but the features to my way. It's the way I found for symbols to mean what I wanted to say. In my drawing there are three important elements:

The heart:
It is the center of emotions. In this case, it is represented as a glass of complex emotions, represented by the bird.

The Bird:
This bird has not yet been born and sleeps an embryonic dream. What dreams? They are supported by some plant elements. Their feathers invade the external wall of the container that contains it. In some way, the exchange with the exterior produces the third important element of my drawing.

The eyes:
The eyes are part of the heart, so that this heart is self-observed. Simultaneously, his activity produces eyes that observe him while he observes himself. These eyes also look outward.

I believe that the action of seeing and observing (they are not the same) are very important to define the self, not only mine, but anyone's. The way we see the world and the way we perceive ourselves define us.
Have you noticed that my chicken is a little plucked? These are difficult times in Venezuela. Je.

A little about the process:

As always, one of the most difficult things is to get to the shape of the idea. Once I thought I had it, I made my base drawing on guarro paper with 2B pencil.

Self 1.jpg

Later, I applied the watercolor, because I did not want the moisture to ruin the ink. I chose colors that help me to represent the activity of daydreaming: roses and blues. I added some green to the leaves of the plant motif and, finally, some yellow, that wonderful color of light.

Once I had the watercolor spots, I put the contours with ink and completed the areas of color with pencils. At that moment I intensified the tones and added the red, color of blood and passions.

Finally, I drew my eyes apart and pasted them on the finished drawing.
I think that's all.

I hope you enjoy it, and, if you like it, you can say one or two words to me.

The chicken of my self need it
Thanks for the company. Welcome always.

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