FunGal | Cryptozoology Contest Submission

Original contest post by @JuliaKPonsford Art Exploration, Week 13: CRYPTOZOOLOGY

My Sybmission:


Welcome to the CryptoZoo! A place inside your imaginatory gland where mythical creatures (like the FunGal here) thrive and populate the imaginatory glands of others through their compelling storytelling and the principle of "Whynotness".

Lets explore, shall we...

mushroomTear 02.jpg

Here we have a cute FunGal - a rare humanoid fungi female from a crypto-race that is also known as Myconids. They gather the forest's wisdom (pretty much fun facts) and teach it only to those that can find them in their disguised form. All FunGals and FunGuys love the rain, and that is the only time when they come out to play, learn and socialize. To protect themselves, most Myconids naturally disguise themselves as poisonous mushrooms. But some species of Myconid release all their fun facts at one causing their tormentor to hallucinate and fall into a trance. Why? Pseudoscientists are still trying to determine that, but for now the principle of "Whynotness" seems to be the best explanation.

This is how Cryptozoology works: First a faint idea of a mythical creature appears in your mind. Then it starts to become more and more defined as you accept 'whynotness''. Here is an illustrated example of this process that I made using Photoshop.

Mushroom Tear 01.jpg

Beware, you are now susceptible to a cryptozoology in your mind. You may experience the need to watch fantasy movies, read graphic novels, play D&D or Magic the Gathering games and draw mythical creatures.... Unfortunately the only temporary remedy against this condition is to turn your attention to unimaginative tasks, such as sorting your mail, doing your taxes or checking your mostly forgotten social media notifications outside of Steemit :)

Thank you all so much for reading my nonsense (I tried to keep it short), I hope you found it very pseudo-informative and most of all, fun. If you only looked at the images and didn't read, then I forgive you :)

For more awesome Cryptozoology art submissions, please visit the original contest post: ART EXPLOSION WEEK 13: Theme CRYPTOZOOLOGY / 25 SBD in prizes / all forms of art welcome!

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