Fishbowl conspiracy: My entry for ART EXPLOSION WEEK 23

This is my entry for week 23 of ART EXPLOSION.
The theme was "Conspiracy" and I tried to interpret it in my own style
and add a strong narrative element to the image.
Below you will see some of my initial sketches and the final painting process.

These are some of the very rough initial sketches
I did to figure out the idea and the composition.
I particularly like the fishbowl with the single cat on the left side,
but I didn't think it reflected the theme adequately.
I like it a lot though so I might make it as another illustration.

It was very important to me that the fishbowl was a nice bright place
where the fish can live happily in their own ignorance, so I decided to do some
fish sketches to get their expressions right.
To be honest I got a bit carried away and enjoyed making the fishes so much
that I have decided to make more illustrations of happy fishbowls and fish patterns.
I love it when quick sketches like these give you ideas for next projects.

This the final painting process.
I started with the fishbowl first as it is an important element and the lighting
around it would determine the rest of the image.

Thanks for taking a look!

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