A warm greeting dear Steemians! In this opportunity I want to show my participation for the ART EXPLOSION Contest conducted by @juliakponsford, in which the theme to be treated on the WEEK 47 is "INTERDIMENSIONAL". In that sense I hope that my entry is liked by the judges (@juliakponsford & @vachemorte) and of course liked by all the readers of Steemit.

My participation is based on an illustration that represents the "Interdimensional Mother" , hinting that it is a woman who controls the interdimensional world. And for this reason a woman is personified who has in her power several spheres which represent the interdimensional world, each sphere being a different dimension.

Then you can follow the Process of this Illustration, where initially the Sketch is exposed, observing all the details that will be improved in the Digitization.

Next we can see the Digitization of the "Interdimensional Mother" Sketch through the Vectorization in the Adobe Illustrator Program.

Process of the Interdimensional Mother Illustration
To continue, the color of the lips of the "Interdimensional Mother" was chosen and then a background image of a space was used to define the hair of the protagonist of this illustration.

Next, an image of space with blue tones was added to the face of the "Interdimensional Mother", so that it reflects to the viewers the concept of Interdimensional.

Then shades of violet and light blue were added in the crystals that are present in the face of the "Interdimensional Mother"

After the previous steps, an image of space containing violet and pink tones was used for the spheres that are present in the hair of the "Interdimensional Mother"and also in the lower part of the Illustration.

And then some stars, the moon and the sun respectively were added in the spheres that make up this "Interdimensional Mother Illustration"

And finally we can see the final result of the "Interdimensional Mother Illustration" with a background of space in blue tones, the same one that was used in the face of this Illustration to create a perfect concept of interdimensionality.

Here you can see the images of space that were used in this illustration

Source Image 1
Source Image 2
Source Image 3
And now you can see captures of the process explained in the Adobe Illustrator Program.
Vectorization of the Interdimensional Mother Illustration

Process of the Interdimensional Mother Illustration

Process of the Interdimensional Mother Illustration

Final Result of the Interdimensional Mother Illustration

And that's all! I hope you enjoyed my participation in the ART EXPLOSION WEEK 47:THEME INTERDIMENSIONAL. If you want to participate enter the following link:

A special thanks to @juliakponsford for organizing this excellent contest and providing great opportunities to all the Steemit Artists

Until the next post my dear Steemians!

This Illustration is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License