Art Explosion Week 17 - Magic - "Magic Back Atcha" (original art)

 This is my first time taking part in the Art Explosion contest. This weeks theme is "Magic". As always with the Art Explosion contest the theme is wide open to interpretation, so many different kinds of magic, so many ways to depict it.

Thanks @juliakponsford for running the contest.


 I went with a depiction of a magician reaching into (and out of) a black mirror.

 I'm also continuing my adventure in digital painting using my mouse and the painting program Krita. I'm challenging myself to draw 10 pictures with it, after that I'll decide if I like doing digital art and if I should get a drawing tablet or not. This is drawing number 4.

 The process gif shows the evolution of the image. My technical skills in Krita are still bare-bones but I'm having fun with it and learning.

 Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.


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